Cutaway architectural illustration.
Wicks buildings wanted a cutaway of one of their farm buildings. The object was to show their superior construction techniques and product.

Farm Building cutaway illustration. This was the final illustration, it undergoes changes every year or so as the products develope. Luckily just about every piece has its own photoshop layer so that changes can be readily made.

Photograph as supplied by the client.

Farm Building cutaway illustration. The line art that was done in illustrator, again we used as many layers as possible.

Here is the combined illustrator file with the photograph.

Farm Building cleaned up and retouched photo. This is the re-worked farm building that was done prior to using it as a basis for the illustration in Photoshop. We did not know where we were going to make the cuts, so it was best to illustrate the whole building then we could play arround with it later.

A close up to show some of the construction work.

Anothe close up to show how the background image can be increased or decreased.

A close up of the truck and workmen.