Industry specific info graphic illustrations, for Exxon/Mobil.

Infographic, Mineral mining infographic.

Infographic, Food industry infographic, Meat.

Infographic, Food industry info graphic, Bakery.

Infographic, Food Industrey infographic, Dairies.

Infographic,Iron and Steel production, the materials handling side.

Infographic, Iron ans Steel production, the Hot side.

Infographic, Iron and Steel process flow.

Infographic, Paper making machines.Infographic,

Infographic, Paper making. The Wood Yard

Infographic, Paper production, the Pulp Mill.

Infographic, Paper making industry, Chenical recovery.

Infographic, Plastics industry, three types of extrusion.

Infographic, Blow molding plastics machine.

Infographic, Plastic injection molding machine.

Infographic, Plastic extrusion molding machine.

Infographic, Machine shop info-graphic.

Infographic, Cutaway illustration of a CNC machine.

Hellical gearbox.

Infographic, Hydraulics overview info graphic.

Cutaway electric motor and bearings.

Gas engine.

Rotary screw compressor, cutaway technical illustration.